Friday 13 March 2015

Scanners Live in Vain - Cordwainer Smith.

 Scanner Martel enjoys a 'cranched' moment with his wife.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Think Blue, Count Two


A 3D render composed in Maya, inspired by one of Robert McCall's great paintings from the 1960s.


Ware, Hertfordshire. 2850 AD. Giant melons all over Chadwell Springs! Oh dear. Major planetary flooding occurred in the late 21st century, hence the beach. The water tower still stands.

Lord Valentine's Castle

Fallen giant Dwikka fruit from the novel Lord Valentine's Castle - Robert Silverberg. ( another update )

Norstrilia - Earthport

Travelling down one of the huge low-gravity shafts of Earthport, from the novel Norstrilia - Cordwainer Smith   ( an updated painting )

The Empire Strikes Back - speedpaint

The Empire Strikes Back - speedpaint

Frog from Pan's Labyrinth - speedpaint

Scene from Terminator 2 - speedpaint

Iron Man from Avengers Assemble - speedpaint

Scene from Starship Troopers - speedpaint

Scene from Blade Runner - speedpaint


Madhouse from Rynosseros - Terry Dowling

Think Blue, Count Two - Cordwainer Smith

Veesey wakes up on a Starsailer travelling to a colony world, 300 years after leaving Earth. Things are not going according to plan and turn a bit nasty. She remembers a rhyme which sends out a distress signal; the Instrumentality come to her aid and all ends well.

Mother Hitton's Littul Kittons - Cordwainer Smith

Asteroid with Ring and Colony

A Little Something for us Tempunauts - Philip K Dick

Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm

The Dispossessed

Nio Esseia. The City from The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin

Revelation Space

Excavations on Resurgam, inspired by Revelation Space - Alistair Reynolds